Let's go!
Digital Underpainting
Experiment with digital underpainting in this lecture demonstration which begins in Photoshop and ends in oil paints. Join Raymond and learn how each facial feature forms a relationship with the light which touches it, and how to use accurate values while also giving yourself license to make changes as you work. After mounting your underpainting, move into traditional materials and follow Raymond's clear descriptions and step by step procedures as he shows you how to manipulate the oil paints, and leads you through layers of color. Finally, learn how Raymond pushes his lights and darks in the final stages of the piece. (4+ Hours)
Raymond Bonilla
Instructor -
State University in New York at Fredonia in 2005 with a degree in New Media and Illustration. He continued his studies at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco where he completed his Masters of Fine Art in 2009.
He was awarded Best in Show in the Great Lakes Emerging Artist Competition, was a finalist in the Artists Magazine Annual Art Competition, has been awarded Gold Medals in advertising from both Society of Illustrators of New York and Los Angeles, and juried into the Communication Arts Illustration Annual.
Don't let learning be a pain with my engaging and interactive online courses designed with personalization in mind.