Brandon Gonzales Online Mentorship

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Program Overview
Strengthen your weaknesses in this customizable hybrid mentorship with a special emphasis on Color in Landscapes with fine artist and matte painter Brandon Gonzales.

Enjoy a regular weekly schedule of lectures and personalized critiques in a small group class setting.

This program is perfect for fine artists wanting to use gouache and other mediums to develop their skills and fine tune their technique. This is also a great program for artists interested in a visual effects career in the entertainment industry.
Mentorship Program Design
Interactive Learning
4 Weekly LIVE classes per month

Personalized Feedback
Receive critiques on class assignments and relevant personal projects in live sessions.

Complete the Program
Enroll at the beginning of the program, and enjoy the companionship of a steady group of peers who complete the program by your side. 
Preview Demo Lesson
Teaching Example
Participate in weekly live classes hosted via zoom. Classes will target a specific principle each class, and will follow a rotation of assignment driven lessons and demos with personalized critiques and feedback.

Preview Personalized Critique
Critique Example
Receive personalized instruction and feedback as Brandon targets and strengthens your weaknesses.

This program requires that you paint/draw outside of class time as much as possible.

Painting milage is key to understanding the principles taught during class time. The work and assignments you do with Brandon will carry over into your personal work.

Mentorship Details

Join Brandon Gonzales, an experienced art professional and college professor, and make your goals become a reality. Target your trouble areas and strengthen your weaknesses in this customized mentorship featuring weekly live lectures, demos, assignments, and group critiques. With a curriculum divided into two halves, the first half creating a strong foundation in color in landscapes, and the second half customized to meet your specific needs, Brandon offers a mentorship experience which rivals a post graduate art degree.

Enrollment for the 2024 Summer Session is closed. Join the waitlist for the next session.
Students on the Waitlist will be notified by email when applications open.

This is a 4 month program. 

Format: 2 Hours Weekly Live Group Sessions/ Critiques + Past Recordings 

Tuition :
$300 per month until canceled with 2 weeks notice. Limited seats.

Time and Day:
 Each session is limited to a small class size
First Class May 8th 2024 / Last Class August 28th
Wednesdays 5-7 PM PST / 6-8 PM MST / 8-10 PM EST

Unit 1

Black and White

Start simple and focus on design, composition, storytelling, focal point, and control.

Work in a hybridized mix of analogue media (gouache) and digital (Photoshop/Procreate), or specialize in the medium you are most comfortable in.

Unit 2

Limited Color Palette

Explore color relationships within its limitations and how color can be used in storytelling and can add to your narrative.

Understand how saturation effects your palette, freeing your creation process as you overcome the difficulty. Lean the importance of mood and the emotional responses we have to color.

Unit 3

Full Color Palette

Now that you have developed a greater sense of control in how and when you use color in your work, you can push the boundaries with nuance and subtlety.

Apply creative solutions to your work and achieve self mastery in color.

Unit 4


Focus on your individual strengths and weaknesses as Brandon urges you towards the next steps in your progression.

Develop effective techniques which are unique to you as you mature in the program and find your artistic voice.

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