Brandon Gonzales Digital Environments Mentorship

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Program Overview
Join expert artist and matte painter Brandon Gonzales in his Digital Environments Online Mentorship focused on matte painting and concept design. 

Enjoy a regular weekly schedule of fast paced and rigorous lectures and personalized critiques in a small group class setting.

Develop the skills to become a matte painter or high-end concept artist in such work as live-action feature films, TV, animation, and/or attractions.

Mentorship Program Design
Interactive Learning
4 Weekly LIVE classes per month

Personalized Feedback
Receive critiques on class assignments and relevant personal projects in live sessions.

Complete the Program
Enroll at the beginning of the program, and enjoy the companionship of a steady group of peers who complete the program by your side. 
Preview Demo Lesson
Teaching Example
Participate in weekly live classes hosted via zoom. Classes will target a specific principle each class, and will follow a rotation of assignment driven lessons and demos with personalized critiques and feedback.

Preview Personalized Critique
Critique Example
Receive personalized instruction and feedback as Brandon targets and strengthens your weaknesses.

This program requires that you have homework outside of class time.

The work and assignments you do with Brandon will carry over into your personal work.

Mentorship Details

Elevate your skills in digital environments with our comprehensive mentorship program, focusing on matte painting and concept design. You'll learn 3 types of matte paintings, integrate 3D assets, and create 2.5 D Projections Paintings, all while conceptualizing ideas quickly for client approval. By the end, you'll have a solid portfolio and the skills needed for entry-level professional work. Additionally, we’ll discuss the business aspects of being a matte painter and the pros and cons of working in-house or freelance. This program is perfect for those looking to elevate their concept skills to a higher, more realistic level.

Format: This is a 4 month program. Each session is limited to a small class size
2 Hours Weekly Live Group Sessions/ Critiques/ Class recordings/ Bonus Demos / Private Community Discussion

Tuition :
$350 per month ($1,400 collected over a four month period)

Time and Day:
Wednesday 5-7 PM PDT/ 6-8 PM MDT / 8-10 PM EST Class Begins September 4th 2024

Applications open August 2nd! 
Students on the Waitlist will be notified by email when applications open.

What if I can't make it to live sessions?

Each live session will be recorded and uploaded to the course for you to rewatch. At the end of the four month program, students will enjoy a fifth month free where they can rewatch all of the lectures and critiques from the live classes, plus any additional lectures and demos Brandon provides throughout the session.

What if I need to leave the program early?

This program is a commitment of four months. However, we understand that occasionally personal emergencies may prevent an artist from unexpectedly continuing with the program. If you are an artist enrolled in a mentorship program and need to end your enrollment, please email

This should, however, be a worst case scenario as accepting one of the twelve seats in this program prevents another artist from participating. 

I am confused about how much this program costs!

We treat this mentorship like a subscription. The program will require four monthly payments of $350 dollars each. The full price of the program is $1,400.

How long will I have access to mentorship recordings?

Students will have access to mentorship recordings for the duration of the program plus one month after the program ends. At the conclusion of that time period students will no longer have access to the mentorship recordings as Sentient will be preparing for a new term and a new student group. This practice is consistent with optimal learning. Sentient Mentors do not advise students to become overly focused on the same lectures and critiques for a long period of time as this ultimately hinders growth and confidence. 

If a student quits the program early they will lose access to the recordings at the end of their pay period. Please email the sentient team if you are uncertain as to when that will take place for you.


Sky Replacement

Start simple and focus on the foundations of matte painting

Set Extension

Replace the sky but extend or build a realistic set within our plate


Conceptual Matte Painting
Develop conceptual ideations for potential future paintings and for client approval

3D Asset Integration Matte Painting
Learn how to add a 3D rendered element which will be the base design

CG Matte Painting
Begin full CG project based on previous designs


CG Matte Painting

Continue to work and refine CG matte painting. Additional important information, lectures and content will be discussed based on the needs and direction of mentees and prepare them to project onto geometry


2.5D Projection

Project your matte in Nuke and create slight camera moves with parallaxing elements.

Final Critique/Business 101

Present the culmination of all your hard work with a final critique. Discuss any other lingering topics relating to the business side of being an artist. Prepare how to get your work out to potential clients and present your portfolio in a job interview.

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