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Pet Portrait Series: Moody Dog

Any dog person will love this course for the cute pup alone! Kai is ready to help you build the confidence to lay in bold, expressive brushstrokes in your quest to characterize a majestic canine surrounded in sand. He’ll introduce you to the concepts behind the illusion of natural fur, as well as depicting personality with simplistic shapes, value structure, and edge variety—a great stepping stone toward more complicated techniques. ( 2.5+ hours)

Learn more about expressive brushstrokes in Kai's Online Mentorship.
  • Kai Lun Qu

  • Fundamental

Meet your instructor

Kai Lun Qu

Kai Lun Qu is know for his alla prima paintings filled with expression and painterly strokes that evoke deep emotions. His unique blend of traditional style with a contemporary twist is a result of two extremes: a formal training in China’s most prestigious art academy, China Central Academy of Fine Arts and intense studies with renown contemporary painters like Daniel Keys, Tim Rees and Michelle Dunaway in the United States. 
In 2018, He was featured in Southwest Art Magazine, 21 under 31: Young Artists to Watch. 

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