Let's go!
Plein Air Greening Meadow
What can you do when the perfect scene doesn't jump out to you in real life? Well, Dan has a solution for that: make your own perfect scene by carefully adjusting your reference. In this demo specifically, Dan combines two different scenes into one, so feel free to borrow from other sources to make your design more whole! Pay close attention to Dan's approach here as he nails the shadows, without getting too carried away with the light he chases, allowing him (and you) to move forward with confidence. (1 + hours)
Want to keep learning with Dan? Check out his full course library!
Want to keep learning with Dan? Check out his full course library!
Dan Schultz
Instructor -
Commercial Art at Pensacola Christian College
Oil Painters of America 31st Annual National Exhibition Seascape Honorable Mention 2022
Kern County Plein Air Invitational, Bakersfield, CA 2nd Place 2019, 2017, 1st Place 2016
Visit Dan's website to see all of his awards and honors.
Kern County Plein Air Invitational, Bakersfield, CA 2nd Place 2019, 2017, 1st Place 2016
Visit Dan's website to see all of his awards and honors.
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