Advanced Tiffanie Mang Online Mentorship

Sep 18 / Emma Jean Wilkins
*All artwork featured in this post by Tiffanie Mang

Follow a professional workflow and sharpen skills with visual development artist Tiffanie Mang.

Sticking to a regular weekly schedule of personalized critiques and lectures in a small group class setting of no more than 12.

This is a great program for individuals who want to develop careers as visual development artists in animation, or traditional artists interested in developing new techniques to improve their traditional paintings.

Mentorship Details

Follow in Tiffanie's footsteps and pave your own path to success! Get ready to sharpen your skills in painting through weekly live lectures, demos, assignments, and group critiques. With a curriculum tailored to meet real industry needs,  Tiffanie has honed her undergraduate studies and work experience to offer you a result-driven mentorship experience.

The advanced mentorship is reserved for advanced students who are interested in landing a job as a color designer in the animation industry. Students who apply must show a strong sense of fundamentals and be able to create images that tell a clear story with a palpable mood. Tiffanie will be working with students to refine their portfolio and create a cohesive body of work for studio jobs. Acceptance will be based on portfolios submitted, and selected students will be notified about 3 weeks before start date. Class starts November 1st!

The recommended length of committing to the advanced mentorship is 4 months. 

Format: 2 Hours Weekly Live Group Sessions/ Critiques + Past Recordings 

Tuition :
 $350 per month until canceled with 2 weeks notice. Limited seats.

Advanced mentorship class:
 each class is limited to 12 students
Wednesdays 8-10 AM PST / 9-11 AM MST
*Advanced class is invitation only after portfolios have been reviewed*

Tiffanie has been instrumental in my artistic progress. As a self-taught painter, I didn't quite understand how light worked nor how important shapes were to a painting.

I recently landed a concept art job with Walt Disney Imagineering, and I believe without Tiffanie this could not have happened at all.
My art has immensely progressed to the point other people started consistently commenting on my progress.

I am excited to continue my studies and self-development with Tiffanie and grow further as an artist!
Clara Ryu
I've been looking for a mentorship that would push me to get to that next level in my art, and I found it in this mentorship. Not only that, now I feel that I have a clearer objective in what I want to become as an artist. That's one of the things I'm loving from this mentorship, not only the in-depth aspect of the lectures but the inside and inner working of a new way of thinking that Tiffanie wants us to acquire and how to appreciate the art of the master painters.

Every class I take I feel like I opened a new door of possibilities with all the new knowledge that is brought. That you see me each week trying and experimenting how to utilize this knowledge in my daily paintings and how to improve them. The Notan studies and Grids were game changer for me, I find myself organizing and designing in a more proficient way. I'm super excited to see what's next. Thank you Tiffanie, you're a great mentor.
Jesus Lebron Arellano
Throughout my artistic journey, I've had countless different art teachers and mentors, both in & out of art school. But never have I had someone break down & teach painting the way Tiffany did. With in-depth lectures, comprehensive demos, and great feedback, she opens doors to new ways of thinking about value, light, and color.

I've found a tremendous amount of growth in my work, even over a short amount of time. I couldn't recommend Tiffanie's mentorship more to anyone who's looking to improve their painting skills, either traditionally or digitally! Thanks for being such an amazing mentor!
James Couture

Strengthening Your Skills

Tiffanie will offer you personalized directions and critiques in a small group setting over Zoom to strengthen your weaknesses using a rotation of lessons, demos and critiques.

In critiques, Tiffanie accurately pinpoints the strengths and weaknesses of each student so that she can best guide them on what exercises to focus on and get better at. Tiffanie will ensure all of her students develop expertise in fundamental art principles as well as confidence in advanced techniques.

The work and assignments you do with Tiffanie each week will carry over into your personal work and help you to develop a professional portfolio.
Advance your career with

Tiffanie Mang

Tiffanie will provide you with tailored guidance and constructive feedback in a Zoom group setting to help you address your weaknesses through a combination of lessons and critiques.

Furthermore, she will offer insights into the workings of the animation industry, tips on securing freelance opportunities, and strategies for staying competitive in the field.
Write your awesome label here.

Tiffanie Mang's Courses