Mentor Success Training

The Sentient Team provides the support that you need so that you can focus on what you love best: teaching! With everything from program development, to marketing campaigns, Sentient tackles the work that you don't want to do. 

This training course is for new Sentient Mentors. We want to show you which tasks you as a Mentor are responsible for, tips on how to do it well, and which tasks we will complete as a team. In addition, we want you to know everything that the Sentient Team is doing for your program behind the scenes. 
Guided Program Development
Curated Marketing Campaigns
Daily Program Support

What Will Sentient Do for Your Program?

Program Development
  • Assist in creating a compelling and marketable program
  • Landing page design which converts fans and followers into students
  • Clear and professional copy
  • Creation of application and enrollment systems

  • Craft a strategy that meets the Mentor's needs
  • A fully designed marketing campaign
  • Promo vides and graphic design
  • Multi pronged leverage of social media
Sentient Community
  • Creation of a private discussion group for your mentorship
  • Assist mentors in managing their correspondence time
  • Moderate discussions, notify Mentor of important conversations or questions
  • Tackle important or time sensitive Announcements
Daily Support
  • Application and Enrollment management
  • Tuition collecting and Billing issues
  • Live class scheduling
  • Tech support for Mentor and Mentee
  • Weekly video editing
  • Edited recorded class content uploaded to course
  • Organization of recorded class content
  • Last minute schedule changes
  • Student participation management
  • Student notifications regarding class milestones or updates
  • Student surveys and data collection
  • End of program offboarding and support
  • Early student cancellations

What is a Marketing Campaign? 

Sentient will turn your biggest fans into your most dedicated students, and our dedicated students into your biggest fans.

  • We first analyze where your students will most likely come from and design a marketing approach from there
  • Sentient will provide the training and the materials you need to maximize the assets you already have such as a healthy Instagram or Youtube account or a relationship with a college
  • Sentient will design the campaign, coordinate with you, and harness all of our media platforms to share your new program with the art world
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Where Will Your Students Come From?

Every mentorship's student base is slightly different. On average we find that half of our mentees come directly from the Mentor's fan base while the other half are Sentient Students looking for more instruction. 

Sentient provides the conversion tools necessary to transform an Instagram follower into a Mentee.

How Will Sentient Help Develop Your Program?

A good Sentient Mentorship has a number of crucial elements. You may already know what you want to teach and that's great! Sentient will work with you to consider and include the following elements. You could also include incentive activities, guest speakers, live-paint-alongs, or consider special 1-on-1 classes. There are endless options to make your program unique.

The Essentials of Social Media & Marketing

Consult with our team and work to identify what your curated campaign should look like. Sentient will rely on you to extend your hand and share in the effort of spreading the word about your upcoming program. Should you do be doing all of the work? Definitely not! Sentient will design all of the media, including images and promo videos, and let you know when you should be posting to your socials. Together, we will leverage both of our social media accounts, coordinating announcements and rotating our marketing posts. Are you concerned that your Instagram will become cluttered with posts about your mentorship? We understand this concern! We have a solution for this as well.
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What Am I Responsible For?

High Quality Images

Sentient will need a a high quality photo of you as well as a variety of high quality images of your work. We may also ask for images of artworks from your past students if applicable. 

Help Spread the Word

It takes two to execute a well planned marketing campaign. We will create and share lots of social media content, but we also ask that you create some unique announcements which include your personal style and flare! 

Be Responsive Through Text or Email

The best marketing campaign is one where everyone involved can get ahold of one another. If there is any confusion, or uncertainty, this can all be alleviated with good communication.
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The Sentient Community

How To Make the Sentient Community Work For You!

We already know the Sentient Community benefits students. But did you know the Community also helps the Mentor set boundaries? 

Everything you Need to Know About Communicating with Students Outside of Class

When Do Students Require Your Attention?

Students Require your attention after they have enrolled in your program. Students should not be emailing or messaging a mentor for any reason before they have enrolled to their program.

How Can You Set Personal Boundaries Between Yourself and Students?

We recommend that you not use your email to contact your students. This allows you to set personal boundaries with these artists. One recommendation is to set Office Hours once or twice a week where you can answer emails and be available for questions. By using the Sentient Community you can ensure that you aren't bogged down in emails throughout the week. Sometimes mass emails are needed for important announcements or notifications. If that is the case, Sentient can handle that for you! 

When Should Students Reach Out to the Sentient Team?

The Sentient Team is always here to help. There is no such thing as messaging the Sentient Team too frequently. Students with questions about billing, the Sentient Community, general Program questions, tech questions or anything non-art related they should reach out to our team. 

How Are Those Promos Made?

After your syllabus has been created, we will schedule a time to interview you for your promo videos. If you are at a remote location, this may involve following some careful instructions for the set up. For example, a promo video that is filmed remotely will require you to set up two cameras (or high quality cell phones) at two different angles to your face. You will need to adjust the lighting to create flattering footage.

On the day of the interview, a Sentient team member will join you on a zoom call and ask you interview questions while you record yourself on the two prepared cameras. We will also ask for quality footage of yourself painting (traditionally or digitally) and mixing paint on your palette, etc. We may also ask for photos of yourself painting in special locations, teaching, or posing with awards or important mentors. 
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Don't be nervous for your Interview. You can relax and enjoy the process.

What Is It Like to Host a Live Class?

Sentient is unique because we offer carefully edited, on-demand recordings of our Live Mentorship Classes for students to re-watch throughout the week.
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Your online mentorship will be hosted over Zoom. This may sound basic, but the setup can confuse even the most tech-confident artists. First, we purchase any recording equipment you don't already have on hand. Second, we walk you through a technical set up where you have all of your cameras positioned correctly, and the right tech installed on your computer. We use OBS to curate a beautiful layout for you.

Your Live classes, hosted over zoom, will be recorded and instantly made available for students to watch unedited. Within a week, Sentient will edit your recording and upload it to your mentorship for students to enjoy again and again. 

For your first live class, a Sentient Team member will join you LIVE to ensure everything goes smoothly and to introduce students to the Sentient Community. After your first class, you will begin Live classes alone. However, the Sentient team will always be available if you urgently need us.

What happens if you have a sudden emergency right before class is supposed to begin? That's okay too. Believe it or not, we have dealt with that before. All you need to do is alert the Sentient Team and we will notify each and every student. Then, we will arrange a make-up class with you and your students. 

We Manage Your Students For You

A Mentor shouldn't have to worry about waitlists, applications, enrollment, payments, early dropouts or student offboarding.
  • Sentient designs your Waitlist and your Application and manages the content in each in a spreadsheet which Mentors have access to
  • Mentors have the opportunity to approve or decline applicants
  • Sentient manages the enrollment of all approved applicants, including troubleshooting if the enrollment email goes unanswered
  • Sentient fields all emails regarding early cancellation, and manages the unenrollment process for those students
  • Sentient works with students to address credit card and billing issues that may occur
  • Sentient provides a smooth exit from your program for all students when it naturally comes to an end
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Training Videos