Let's go!
Start Painting Landscapes in Oil
New to oil painting? This quick and dirty Beginner's Guide to Oil focuses on landscapes without requiring much previous experience with drawing in order to succeed. We break down all the complex processes you've heard of into just the bare essentials, giving you more space to enjoy the medium at your own pace. Understand the types of materials needed, how to mix colors, and the principles of value and design without the frustration of overcomplicated techniques and theory. ( 5+ hours)
Trijsten Leach
Instructor -
BFA Brigham Young University Hawaii
1st Place Driggs Plein Air Festival 2021
2nd Place Plein Air Holladay Utah 2020
2nd Place Spring City Plein Air Quickdraw Utah 2019
2nd Place Plein Air Holladay Utah 2020
2nd Place Spring City Plein Air Quickdraw Utah 2019
Don't let learning be a pain with my engaging and interactive online courses designed with personalization in mind.