Gouahce San Diego Shore Seascape Beach Landscape Painting by Sergio Lopez

Gouache: San Diego Shore

What better way to practice gouache lighting techniques than with an iconic scene in an even more iconic city. Capture the shimmering sunlight reflected off the ocean surface as the cherry on top of this San Diego seaside landscape. Refine your skills with this versatile medium as you balance reflections against the distant clouds and sunset. And to wrap things up, Sergio will teach you about expanding upon existing colors to make an already vibrant scene truly evanescent. ( 2.5+ hours)
  • Sergio Lopez

  • Advanced

Meet your instructor

Sergio Lopez

Art is so important to Sergio because it is the way his soul tells the world, “I am here. The fact that I am here matters.”
Through his own exploration of art and beauty, Sergio has found a direction for his life that connects him to the collective spirit of our human tribe that we all find necessary to connect to. Not only does he find it necessary to be connected, but he also feel a strong urge to add value to it by producing the best art he can.

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