Let's go!
Alla Prima Series: Roses & Carnations
A classic arrangement; a whole new approach. In this lesson, you’ll work with a compressed value range, pushing you to make the scene pop without the tools you’ve become accustomed to. Generate a point of interest for the viewer using a blend of hard, firm, soft, and lost edges, while taking advantage of a central transparent element to bring the piece together. Who knew a single color could offer so many possibilities? ( 2+ hours)
Jared Brady
Instructor -
2019-2020 Daniel Keys
2019 Quang Ho
2018-2019 Cynthia Feustel
2015-2019 Ken Shanika
Certificate of Excellence Portrait Society of America
Best in Show & People’s Choice Congressional Art Competition
Best in Show & People’s Choice Congressional Art Competition
Don't let learning be a pain with my engaging and interactive online courses designed with personalization in mind.