Let's go!
Alla Prima Series: Autumn Gleam
Imagine waking up to a beautiful fall set piece, half-lit by a rising sun creeping through your bedroom window. In this lesson, you’ll recreate a magical moment like that with Jared’s guidance. Witness firsthand the tricks he uses to take advantage of special lighting features, while also improving your relationship between lost and found edges. Finally, you’ll refine your ideas around color saturation to make this a warm and welcoming scene. ( 2+ hours)
Jared Brady
Instructor -
2019-2020 Daniel Keys
2019 Quang Ho
2018-2019 Cynthia Feustel
2015-2019 Ken Shanika
Certificate of Excellence Portrait Society of America
Best in Show & People’s Choice Congressional Art Competition
Best in Show & People’s Choice Congressional Art Competition
Don't let learning be a pain with my engaging and interactive online courses designed with personalization in mind.