Let's go!
Simple Floral Studies
In this value study, you’ll prioritize value groups over color to expound on a vintage black and white photo. A great warmup for work on other paintings, Jared will help you streamline your artistic process, focusing less on the details and more on the concepts at play. Try limiting your paint strokes to solely first impressions, giving you practice at value judgment and conveying themes without simply copying elements. ( 2.5+ hours)
Jared Brady
Instructor -
2019-2020 Daniel Keys
2019 Quang Ho
2018-2019 Cynthia Feustel
2015-2019 Ken Shanika
Certificate of Excellence Portrait Society of America
Best in Show & People’s Choice Congressional Art Competition
Best in Show & People’s Choice Congressional Art Competition
Don't let learning be a pain with my engaging and interactive online courses designed with personalization in mind.