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Color & Paint Handling for Landscapes

Prefaced by two enlightening exercises on brushwork, this master's lesson on paint quality and brush handling can't be missed. Stroll down this sunny orchard scene filled with foreground flowers, midground fruit trees and background mountains as Dan show you how to manage the complex shapes and colors bursting out of this scene. You'll soon learn that in order to create miles of depth in perspective, color saturation is the key. ( 4+ hours)
  • Dan Schultz

  • Fundamental

Meet your instructor

Dan Schultz

With a background in commercial art, Dan has taken influence from many of the golden-age illustrators as well as from classical realism and impressionism. He believes that beauty is of great importance to the human soul and that God uses the beauty of His creation to communicate with humanity. 
Dan grew up in a small town in eastern New Mexico which provided little exposure to the world of art, galleries or museums. After graduating from college with a few years of graphic design work, Dan discovered Cottonwood Art Academy in Colorado Springs where he first met artists who were making their livings painting for galleries. He was invited to join the teaching faculty as the youngest instructor. Pursuing a career in fine art then became his goal and full-time career since 2005.

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