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Key Principles in Realistic Portraiture

Casey has a fantastic method for finding inspiration to begin the portrait process, including research on the grandmasters of history. But once you've chosen your subject, you can't just dive straight in. Follow Casey's process for constructing a design using value structure and the Munsell Color System to improve your chroma in portrait mixtures. If you want to make steady improvements in your portrait arrangement, this is not a lesson you want to miss! ( 1+ hours)
  • Casey Childs

  • Fundamental

Meet your instructor

Casey Childs

Casey's work as a whole encompasses an exploration of the human experience. His interest in the people around him comes from the idea that we look at people every day, but we never really stop to SEE them. In every painting he strives to capture the beauty, variations and complexities of the human form.
The goal of his portrait work is to capture the soul of the individual–not just their likeness. He is inspired by the figurative works of Sargent, Fechin, Thayer, Caravaggio and John Giarrizzo. John, Casey's art professor at Northwest College, instilled in him a great love of art and an immense desire to create it. John's work and ideas have found their way into Casey. Casey sees his work as a self-portrait in that the subjects of his paintings are all a part of him, each painting a learning experience and an exploration of himself as an artist.

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