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Gallery Series: Red Barn

Reconstruct the memories of an old farmer with a modern twist in this exploratory demo. Bryan reminds us all to think about our subjects before we even pick up the brush. "What is special about this subject or unique about this moment? Why do I really want to paint this?" In the case of this washed-out barn, you'll capture spilled sunlight falling on a snow-capped roof, creating brilliant color saturation! Watch Bryan play with the colors red, blue, yellow, and white to preserve the glow of this collapsing barn long after it falls to the ground. ( 2.5+ hours)
  • Bryan Mark Taylor

  • Professional

Meet your instructor

Bryan Mark Taylor

A painter, lecturer, entrepreneur, and world traveler Bryan Mark Taylor is a renaissance man. He makes regular contributions to art and design magazines including Plein Air and Imagine FX.
Bryan is a sought-after teacher and lecturer and has taught courses worldwide, including at the Academy of Art University, Pixar, and the Scottsdale Artists School. In addition, Bryan has been a featured speaker at the Plein Air, CTNX, Fantastic Arts, Dragonsteel, and VisionX conferences.
Bryan has traveled around the globe, carefully observing and capturing nature’s miracles.

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