Barn Evening Light Plein Air Landscape Oil Painting by Bryan Mark Taylor

Plein Air in Evening Light

Mobilize your supplies, because we're going out for a night of plein air exploration traveling to three different landscapes to experience a variety of lighting effects and color temperatures. We start near a roadside barn, learning to chase the setting sun and experience all that the shifting shadows have to offer. Next we overlook the majesty of Utah mountains from a peaceful graveyard. And finally, we watch the setting sun transform the atmosphere while we capture every changing moment. ( 3.5+ hours)
  • Bryan Mark Taylor

  • Professional

Meet your instructor

Bryan Mark Taylor

A painter, lecturer, entrepreneur, and world traveler Bryan Mark Taylor is a renaissance man. He makes regular contributions to art and design magazines including Plein Air and Imagine FX.
Bryan is a sought-after teacher and lecturer and has taught courses worldwide, including at the Academy of Art University, Pixar, and the Scottsdale Artists School. In addition, Bryan has been a featured speaker at the Plein Air, CTNX, Fantastic Arts, Dragonsteel, and VisionX conferences.
Bryan has traveled around the globe, carefully observing and capturing nature’s miracles.

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