, keep up the great work!

Brandon Gonzales
World Crafting Mentorship

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Program Overview
Learn to push and enhance your work, using a fine tuned design process, with Matte Painter and award winning fine artist, Brandon Gonzales in his World Crafting Mentorship.

Enjoy a regular weekly schedule of personalized critiques and lectures in a small group class setting.

This fast paced course is for any artist, especially concept designers and illustrators, looking to create rich and immersive visual worlds within their artwork. Learn to think beyond the limitations of a single scene, explore diverse elements and create more expansive narratives.
Teaching Sample
Interactive Learning
Weekly LIVE classes

Personalized Feedback
Receive critiques on class assignments and relevant personal projects in live sessions

Private Discussion Group
Enjoy the companionship of a group of artists who learn and grow by your side, with private access to a classroom discussion board.
Personalized Critique Sample

Participate in weekly live classes hosted via zoom. Classes will target a specific principle each class, and will follow a rotation of assignment driven lessons and demos with personalized critiques and feedback.
Preview Personalized Critique
What do Brandon Gonzales' past students think about this program?

It's important to hear what past students have felt about Brandon's online program before you make the decision to apply. The good news is that past students loved it! 

Program Details

This fast paced World Crafting Mentorship will teach you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, and empower you to tackle challenging tasks in a meaningful way within a manageable timeframe. Meanwhile, expand your toolbox to include both  traditional and digital methods, as well as various new techniques. Small projects will establish an advanced set of skills which you can put to the test in a larger project, and a finished piece, at the end of the program. You will be using these skills to design anything that comes your way in future professional projects.

Each live session will be recorded for unlimited HD replay which you can access for your duration in the program.

Format: This is a 12 week program. Each session is limited to a small class size.
Weekly Live Group Sessions / Critiques / Class recordings / Bonus Demos / Private Community Discussion

Tuition :
 $300 per month ($900 collected over a three month period)

Time and Day: 
Wednesday 5-7 PM PST/ 6-8 PM MST / 8-10 PM EST  Each class period will last between 1.5 hours and 3 hours depending on the prepared lesson content and the number of students in attendance. 

Class Begins February 5th 2025. Final Class April 2025.

Apply today! Enrollment begins on January 13th.
Students on the Waitlist will be notified by email when applications open.

What if I can't make it to live sessions?

Each live session will be recorded and uploaded to the course for you to rewatch. At the end of the 12 Week Program , students will enjoy a month of free access where they can rewatch all of the lectures and critiques from the live classes, plus any additional lectures and demos Brandon provides throughout the session.

If you submit your homework by the due date, your mentor will provide a critique during class as usual, and the recording of that critique will be made available for you to view. If you reside in a different time zone and anticipate being unable to attend classes live, please inform your mentor in advance about your situation. Sentient works with artists globally, so this is a common occurrence. Both the Sentient team and your mentor are more than happy to assist you.

What if I decide to leave the program early?

This program requires both a financial and time commitment from you and your mentor. We expect mentees to demonstrate the same level of dedication and priority that they expect from their mentor. Please note that no refunds will be issued for completed payments. If you wish to terminate your payment plan and exit the program, a mandatory early exit fee of $100.00 will apply.

By accepting a seat in this program, you are committing to it fully. Choosing to leave, for any reason, not only disrupts your mentor's time but also takes away an opportunity from other applicants who were denied participation in favor of your placement.

How long will I have access to mentorship recordings?

Students will have access to mentorship recordings for the duration of the program plus one month after the program ends. At the conclusion of that time period students will no longer have access to the mentorship recordings as Sentient will be preparing for a new term and a new student group. This practice is consistent with optimal learning. Sentient Mentors do not advise students to become overly focused on the same lectures and critiques for a long period of time as this ultimately hinders growth and confidence. 

If a student quits the program early they will lose access to the recordings at the end of their pay period. Please email the sentient team if you are uncertain as to when that will take place for you.
Color, Mood, Abstraction
Focus on the Psychology of Color.

Form Language
Breaking down shapes and motifs.

Stylize designs appropriately.

Story Exploration
Pushing your narrative further.
Research drives the whole ideation process.

Explore the possibilities and overall direction of your project.
Explore various techniques and push the bounds of your designs.

Polish your story and take it to a higher more professional level.
Final Project
Apply all steps on the World Creation process from start to finish.

This will help internalize the industrial design process and strength your portfolio and showcase your creativity as an artist and designer.
Past student

Kevin Salins

I enjoyed how there was great care in listening to each student’s concerns and goals. It was especially helpful when Brandon took a look at all the work submitted for that week or all the work the student completed as a whole and told the student what they generally struggled with throughout their work.
Meet your instructor

Brandon Gonzales

After graduating from Art Center College of Design, Brandon has spent 10 years working as a matte painter and concept artist in the entertainment industry. His unique artistic background has helped him develop a sharp eye for detail, evident in his expressive brush strokes and the accurate, yet stunning colors of his more recent traditional paintings. His years working as a matte painter has nurtured an uncommon ability to see complexities and nuances around him. This ability coupled with his painterly style results in an uncommon freshness and energy. 

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