Origin Story: Vision X Global Art Conference

Jul 21 / Julie Huang
#VisionX Global Art Conference Provides a Venue For Worldwide Artists to Learn Together PROVO, Utah — July 21, 2021 In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, artists are searching for ways to connect, learn, and be inspired. Vision X is a three-day virtual art conference that brings the world's top artists together to share their vision of the future through a series of live keynote presentations, panel discussions, Q&As, demos sessions, and more. 
At Vision X, all ideas are welcome, and we love cross-pollination. Our goal is to break down boundaries between genres, styles, and cultures. Vision X is a place to immerse yourself in a creative experience without judgment. Space where you can be courageous, independent, and break free from creative constraints and norms. A place to recharge your creative batteries and become a fearless new voice in the art world. A place to gain recognition, skill development, and opportunities. Vision X is where you belong.





Why Vision X?

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The “X” Factor is by definition “A circumstance, quality, or person that has a strong but unpredictable influence.” And” It is an undefinable “something” that makes one have a start quality.” As a powerful group of industry leaders, Vision X will gather around with their experience and forward-thinking minds to shape the future of art. With many artists and leaders working together, they are sure to help students exponentially.
As the world focuses on tech and coding, Vision X believes we all have overlooked the power and influence in the arts. It’s the arts that make people fall in love with technology and machines. As artists, we have trained our minds to simultaneously make artistic AND logical decisions throughout the entire creative process. The Vision X Art Conference has attracted some of the most renowned artists worldwide, and we are excited to share their vision with you. The event team at Vision X hand-picked the keynote speakers and exhibitors from a wide range of artistic styles, including traditional and digital, to appeal to various art enthusiasts.

About Vision X

The conference is designed to tap into the intellectual level of each top artist for us to learn their way of decision making in not only the arts but also the business for a higher probability of success. It is designed for both emerging artists and experienced professionals. The conference's main goal is to show artists how they can sharpen their skills from a wide variety of genres, from both digital and traditional artists. The conference also delivers the most wanted art business knowledge from gallery owners, successful professional artists, and art suppliers so the attendees may learn from their experience and grow rewarding careers as professional artists themselves.
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“Your participation is significant to not only this conference but also the future of the whole art world. As a whole, we have the X power to spear ahead to build a brighter future for all artists. You will come away inspired and motivated to take your work and career to the next level,” says Keith Huang, CEO of Sentient and Conference co-founder. “There will be a variety of information and ideas shared. You won’t want to miss this opportunity.”
Bryan Mark Taylor, professional artist and co-founder of Vision X, also says, “If there is any conference you are considering this year, it should be this one. There will be more opportunities to learn and do, not just watch, than any other virtual art conference out there.”

This July 16–18th, Vision X will hold a virtual conference. Attendance at the first conference is expected to exceed 2,000 participants. In addition, the conference is leveraging the participating artists’ 5 million+ social reach to create a widespread impression.

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