We Have FREE Art Courses
Let's make the creation of art a human right, rather than a privilege of the wealthy.
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Did you know that according to the Washington Post seven of the top ten most expensive Colleges in the United States are art schools & conservatories? Not only that, art commissions historically only come from the very wealthiest of society (check out this article from the World History Encyclopedia). And, we already know that art materials are incredibly expensive (check out this article from The Arts and Science Center).
Currently, and Historically, art has primarily been created and enjoyed by the wealthiest in our society. We hate that! This is 2023 for heavens sake! At the very least, lets make art education affordable and accessible. Let's make the creation of art a human right, rather than a privilege of the wealthy. Sentient Art Academy has been working hard to grow our free course catalogue and we aren't done. We are adding free courses regularly.
Currently, and Historically, art has primarily been created and enjoyed by the wealthiest in our society. We hate that! This is 2023 for heavens sake! At the very least, lets make art education affordable and accessible. Let's make the creation of art a human right, rather than a privilege of the wealthy. Sentient Art Academy has been working hard to grow our free course catalogue and we aren't done. We are adding free courses regularly.
Enjoy our selection of FREE art classes.
If you like them, go ahead and give our affordable courses a try.
FREE Courses